Sunday, October 18, 2009

Food Storage Analyzer

Emergency Essentials has a great tool to help us see how much food storage we have accumulated! (or not accumulated in my case~) It's free and pretty darn useful! You just punch in how many people you need to feed and how much of each item listed you have in storage and... wah-lah! I have enough food to feed my family for almost 59 days!!! Okay, it's not much but I'm working on it.

At first I was thinking this analyzer was just geared toward EE items but I was glad to find they had a place to analyze canned foods and also a spot where you can add your own items.

Another neat feature is they have a recipe link right next to some of the items so you can see how you can use it. This also helped me see what else I needed to purchase in order to actually make something with what I have in the first place.

Overall~ Super easy to use!

Negatives... well, I still think EE is too pricey for most of their items so the ordering feature means nothing to me. Wonder if they have coupons.... Kim, let me know:)

Sweet... now I can a $10 gift card for reviewing the analyzer!!!!

Gift Card Giveaway

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